Hi, I’m Matt
I’ve been doing what I do for 25 years, and I’ve been doing life for longer than that. From the challenges I’ve encountered along the way to what I see every day in the clients and companies I work with, I know that what makes us happy, better, starts with ourselves.
When we truly grasp this, everything else seems to come a lot easier. It still takes work, and life does have a habit of
throwing up curveballs, but when we’re centred, in a good place, our ability to navigate all and anything that comes
our way is infinitely improved.
I work with indivduals one on one, with global organisations such as Colgate, brands including Innocent, and the incredible Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital.
Whether it’s 1 person or 1,000, I work with people
to get the best of and for themselves.